
What the Northeast ADA Center Means to Me—Wendy Strobel Gower

Wendy Strobel Gower July 26, 2024

I have worked at the Northeast ADA Center for 16 years and am currently the director. Most of our team has been together for several years, and you will never meet a more dedicated group of professionals. Each of us has our own reasons for doing the work, and each of us have our own areas of expertise.

My commitment to the Center comes from my dedication to social justice. I have always thought that society’s tendency to define and often exclude people based on one aspect of their identity is wrong. Although this occurs for many marginalized groups, I have been committed to working towards equity and full participation for people with disabilities for my entire career. My commitment began before I acquired my own disability and before my family members experienced disability. (This is truly community that anyone can enter at any time.)

The Northeast ADA Center serves as an information center to help people better understand their rights and responsibilities under the law. If you have questions, give us a call! The Northeast ADA Center team is truly amazing!