Multimedia: Videos

As the population of people with disabilities grows, so does the number of individuals who use service animals. Therefore it is becoming more likely that a person with a physical or psychiatric disability may own a service animal, and that organizations or places of business will serve a customer or hire an employee who uses a service animal. During this session, participants will learn about the different types of service animals, including the different disabilities they can assist with and duties they are capable of performing as well as the various levels of access and rights afforded to each type; the legal rights and responsibilities of individuals with service animals; and the responsibilities of employers, public, and private entities in welcoming and accommodating individuals and/or employees with service animals. This program would be of interest to anyone who owns or has the potential to interact with service animals such as employers, HR professionals, business owners, government employees, places of public accommodation, and individuals who own service animals. During this session, we will: • Review statistics regarding people with disabilities and service animals • Discuss different kinds of service animals, including what they are used for and how they are trained • Review legal issues related to allowing service animals access to public places, housing, workplaces, etc. • Discuss basic etiquette of how to interact with service animals and their owners


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