Publicaciones de Blog

What the Northeast ADA Center Means to Me—Jennifer Perry

Jennifer Lin Perry July 30, 2024

As an employee who spends my time at Cornell focused on the Northeast ADA Center, the Center and its operations are part of my daily life. Those of us who are lucky enough to work here assist people who want to learn more about the Americans with......

What the Northeast ADA Center Means to Me—LaWanda Cook

LaWanda H. Cook July 29, 2024

More than three decades after its passage in 1990, there is still considerable confusion about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Having a resource for well-researched, thoughtful interpretation about if and how the law is likely to apply......

What the Northeast ADA Center Means to Me—Wendy Strobel Gower

Wendy Strobel Gower July 26, 2024

I have worked at the Northeast ADA Center for 16 years and am currently the director. Most of our team has been together for several years, and you will never meet a more dedicated group of professionals. Each of us has our own reasons for doing t......

What the Northeast ADA Center Means to Me—Joe Zesski

Joe Zesski July 25, 2024

With July being the 34th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), it is a good opportunity for the Northeast ADA Center team to share why we each have chosen to work here. Each of us has different motivations, perspectives, and ex......

Tratando de Entender la Accesibilidad a la Red Electrónica

Northeast ADA Center Staff July 13, 2023

Probablemente ya entienda que muchos aspectos de nuestra vida cotidiana han migrado en línea— por ejemplo, está leyendo esto no de un folleto impreso, sino de un blog en un sitio en la internet. Lo que quizás no se d&eac......

Explicación: Votación en ausencia accesible en NYS

Tonya Engst May 10, 2022

Joe Zesski, del Centro ADA del Noreste, explica el papel que la tecnología puede desempeñar en la adaptación de los votantes con discapacidades. En el estado de Nueva York es ley que a los votante......

Pensando en la accesibilidad de documentos electrónicos

Alexis Boytsov November 30, 2021

La internet ha transformado todo, desde la investigación hasta hacer reservas en restaurantes. Pero a pesar de facilitar las tareas cotidianas para muchas personas, la internet agrega un nuevo nivel de complejidad para la accesibilidad y la......

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