Tool 6 - Getting Talent: Recruiting and Hiring People with Disabilities

Tips for Leadership

  • Disability issues during hiring can be complex. This topic addresses the role of managers and supervisors in hiring in the simplest way possible.
  • Because managers and supervisors are usually not directly involved with the recruitment process, we have not included recruitment sources in their message templates. However, if you wish to include disability recruiting information for your managers, here are some resources you could provide them:
    • Your local universities/colleges. Contact the Career Counseling Center or the office for disability student services.
    • GettingHired connects employers to a vast database of qualified candidates with disabilities.
    • OurAbility enables employers to find and connect with applicants with disabilities.
    • State vocational rehabilitation agencies, a free service to employers which can provide consulting and job placement services for people with disabilities.
    • Workforce Recruitment Program enables employers to source college students and recent college graduates with disabilities.

Topic 6. Messages

About the hiring process
At (COMPANY NAME), we aim to hire the best talent available, whether or not this talent has a disability. Here are some quick points we'd like hiring managers to keep in mind.

  • To ensure that our hiring process is open to all applicants, we provide accommodations for applicants with disabilities who request or need them to go through our hiring process. To support an applicant wholly in the hiring process at (COMPANY NAME), contact (COMPANY CONTACT INFORMATION).
  • Assess applicants on their competence, education and experience. At (COMPANY NAME) we do not assume an applicant is less qualified or less able to perform the job just because they will need an accommodation if hired.
  • During one-on-one interactions (such as during an interview), never ask an applicant whether she has a disability. This includes questions related to disability, such as: Have you been hospitalized recently? What medications are you currently taking? Do you have any back injuries?
  • (If your organization is a federal contractor) (COMPANY NAME) is a federal contractor. Please encourage all applicants to respond to the self-identification request that addresses disability, reminding them that their answer to this request will be kept confidential and will not be seen or used during hiring decisions.


Want to learn more?

If you want to learn more about this topic, contact the Northeast ADA Center.


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