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  • Acerca de la Accesibilidad Recreativa
    Comprenda las regulaciones para el acceso recreativo para personas con discapacidades, encuentre hojas informativas e infografías, y aprenda sobre las mejores prácticas inclusivas.
  • La ADA y los Autobuses de Ruta Fija
    Vídeos instructivos sencillos e información que explican las normas de la ADA que garantizan un viaje en autobús accesible para personas con discapacidades.

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Small Employer Survey Results #5

'Small Employer Survey Results #5'

Graphic shows example comic titled 'What is a Disability?' featuring two coworkers speaking and a caption: 95% of small employers in our survey found this comic format a helpful way to access information on disability.

Comic panel 1: “Small Companies and the ADA.” Coworker 2: 'I just read that the Americans with Disabilities Act applies to small companies. But no one here uses a wheelchair or is blind.' Subtitle: The employment provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act apply to all businesses with fifteen or more employees.

Panel 2: “Disability Under the ADA.” Coworker 1: “Actually, 20% of the American population has a disability. Many disabilities you can’t even see. Conditions like hearing impairments, depression, and cancer may be disabilities under the ADA.” Subtitle: “Under the ADA, if an employee has an ongoing or serious medical/health condition that affects how the body works or the way they do their job, they might have a disability.”

Panel 3: “Covered Employees”. Coworker 2 thinking, “Huh. Tom has a slipped disc. Silvia has low vision, and Mateo deals with anxiety. These could all be disabilities under the ADA.” Subtitle: “In order to benefit from the protections of the ADA, an employee must disclose they have a disability to their employer.”

Source: Chang, H.-Y., von Schrader, S., & Strobel Gower, W. (2019). Small organizations and Title I of the ADA: A survey study in Region 2. Ithaca, NY: Yang-Tan Institute on Employment and Disability.

If you have questions about the Americans with Disabilities Act, contact us at 1-800-949-4232. Share on Facebook

¿Qué son los subtítulos?

¿Qué son los subtítulos? Los subtítulos son audios que se muestran como texto en una pantalla u otro dispositivo. Share on Facebook
