
Intersection of Territory Law and the ADA in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands

Tuesday, August 20, 2024
01:00 PM Eastern

The Americans with Disabilities Act sets a minimal standard for providing equal access and equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities. States and territories in the US, however, have their own laws which can provide greater or additional protections to the rights of people with disabilities. In this webinar, learn about specific laws in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands address the disability community and how they intersect with the ADA.


  • Archie Jenkins, Nellyber Correa
  • Joe Zesski

Engaging Kids About Disability Through Animated Cartoons

Tuesday, July 16, 2024
01:00 PM Eastern

The Northeast ADA Center has been producing and testing a unique animated school cartoon series intended for elementary-aged children that is designed to educate the next generation about disability inclusion. The videos, along with a companion curriculum, is intended to assist parents and educators to engage children in conversations and in learning about people with disabilities and the ADA. The webinar will address the development, challenges, and testing of the cartoons and curriculum. It will share how the cartoons are made and give participants tips on how they can access and use this valuable resource.


  • Joe Zesski
  • Peter Quinn

Title III of the ADA and Readily Achievable Barrier Removal

Tuesday, May 21, 2024
01:00 PM Eastern

Title III of the ADA requires places of public accommodation to remove barriers to accessibility that are deemed “readily achievable”.  The term "places of public accommodation" includes businesses that are generally open to the public and that fall into one of 12 categories listed in the ADA, such as restaurants, movie theaters, schools, day care facilities, recreation facilities, and doctors' offices .Having an awareness of barriers to accessibility, taking steps to determine how they can be overcome, developing a plan to address those improvements (including a time-frame for improvements), and finally implementing those improvements if they are readily achievable, is critical for Title III entities. Join us on May 21, 2024 as we provide an overview of the ADA Title III readily achievable barrier removal regulations.


  • Jennifer Perry

Is an Accommodation Forever?

Tuesday, March 19, 2024
01:00 PM Eastern

Presenter: Jeffrey Tamburo, Training and Content Development Specialist, Northeast ADA Center

Much focus is given to exploring and implementing reasonable accommodations in the workplace, but it is equally important to continue to monitor accommodations to insure they remain effective over time. This session will explore best practices for the employment service professional to consider in their work with employers and supported employees when monitoring the ongoing effectiveness of workplace accommodations.


  • Jeffrey Tamburo

When the Employer Requests Documentation of Disability: Key Considerations for the Employment Service Professional

Tuesday, February 20, 2024
01:00 PM Eastern

The ADA states that employers may request medical documentation as verification of disability, as long as it is “job related and consistent with business necessity.” What exactly does this mean? What are the guidelines for these requests? Who can provide this information and what should it say?


  • Jeffrey Tamburo
  • Chris Sweet

The Year 2023 in Review

Tuesday, January 16, 2024
01:00 PM Eastern

Join us for our Annual Year in Review Webinar! Christopher Sweet and Joe Zesski of the Northeast ADA Center will look back to notable developments related to the Americans with Disabilities Act as well as the Northeast ADA Center in 2023. They will share updates on ADA enforcement activities by different federal agencies, new technical assistance materials, and other federal efforts. Chris and Joe will also share what's new at the Northeast ADA and look ahead to some new resources coming in 2024.


  • Chris Sweet
  • Joe Zesski

Disability Disclosure and the Interactive Process

Wednesday, November 15, 2023
01:00 PM Eastern

Can an employer ask a job applicant or employee if they have a disability? How do I best support a job seeker/employee in making the best choice for them when it comes to disclosing a disability? What does the ADA mean by “the interactive process”? A job application invites applicants to “self-identify” as having a disability—what does this mean? This session will not only review what the ADA says about disability disclosure in the workplace, but also the very real human impact of disclosure.


  • Jeffrey Tamburo

ADA Overview: A Focus on Title I

Monday, October 16, 2023
01:00 PM Eastern

This session will present a broad overview of Title I of the ADA, the employment provisions. The session will explain the overarching purpose of the ADA, and review the key elements of Title I, including disability disclosure and reasonable accommodation in the workplace.


  • Jeffrey Tamburo

The Year 2022 in Review

Wednesday, January 25, 2023
01:00 PM Eastern

Join us as we review what happened related to the Americans with Disabilities Act in 2022. We also review what happened at the Northeast ADA Center in 2022.


  • Joe Zesski
  • Chris Sweet

A Place at the Table: Accessible Event Planning Basics

Thursday, December 08, 2022
01:00 PM Eastern

Whether you are planning an office holiday party, a family gathering at a restaurant, or a corporate event, the time to think about accessibility is before you plan the details. This webinar is an introductory overview of planning an event inclusive of individuals with and without disabilities. It will address key principles and basic concepts to keep in mind when deciding the where and how of an event.


  • Joe Zesski
  • Chris Sweet

Weighing My Options: Mental Health and Reasonable Accommodation on the Job

Wednesday, October 26, 2022
01:00 PM Eastern

At the Northeast ADA Center, we often hear from individuals with mental health disabilities who are trying to sort out their rights and accommodation needs in the workplace. While we cannot advise any individual on what they should do, we can advise people on their rights under the ADA. This webinar will discuss employment rights under the ADA and answer these questions:

  • What is a disability under the ADA?
  • What can my employer ask me?
  • Who gets to know what I share about my disability?
  • What is a reasonable accommodation?

This webinar may be of particular interest for individuals with disabilities, employment service providers, and all those with a general interest in this topic.


  • Joe Zesski
  • Christopher Sweet

Strides in Recreation Accessibility

Wednesday, August 31, 2022
01:00 PM Eastern

Many strides have been made for people with disabilities since the passage of the ADA. Having said that, the obligation to provide access to recreation opportunities might not be as broadly understood as other obligations. Join us to review some of the recreation areas covered in the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design, focusing on swimming pool access and golf facilities. We will also discuss best practices (for example, access to public beaches) and share some new resources we have developed around recreation accessibility—our new article, About Recreation Accessibility, links to several helpful fact sheets and infographics.


  • Jennifer Perry

Introduction to the Service Animal Toolkit

Wednesday, July 27, 2022
01:00 PM Eastern

Do customers bring dogs into your business claiming they are service animals, emotional support animals, comfort dogs, or therapy dogs? Join Chris Sweet, technical assistant for the Northeast ADA Center, as he guides business owners and employees through the essential basics of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and service animals. Service animals are becoming more common as people with disabilities realize what they can do. But not all dogs are service animals.

Chris also presents the new Service Animals in Public Spaces website. This toolkit-style site helps small businesses become more knowledgeable about their rights and responsibilities under the ADA.


  • Chris Sweet
  • Joe Zesski

Disability Data New to Northeastada.org

Tuesday, June 28, 2022
04:06 PM Eastern

Finding and using statistics to advocate for people with disabilities is important for advocates, policymakers, and business owners who wish to understand the scope of disability in the community. To help explain why the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is so crucial for community access, the Northeast ADA Center is getting smart on data. We are pulling Disabilitystatistics.org, a trusted resource on disability data, into our website, starting with a Local Area Disability Data Dashboard!

Join Bill Erickson, resident disability statistics expert, as he introduces disabilitystatistics.org to the Northeast ADA Center community. He will review the tool and explain what kind of data can be found in it. Bill will also discuss how and why this information can be practically applied and effectively employed to educate people about the scope of disability.


  • William Ericson, Yang-Tan Institute
  • Joe Zesski, Northeast ADA Center

The ADA and Employment: Your Questions Answered

Thursday, May 26, 2022
04:36 PM Eastern

This webinar was designed with you in mind, the employment service professional who supports job seekers and current employees with disabilities in the workplace. How can fine tuning your knowledge of the ADA enhance your efforts to partner with employers? Join Jeffrey Tamburo and Wendy Strobel Gower to learn more about practical application of the principles of the employment provisions of the ADA and how to best to talk to employers about including people with disabilities in their workforce.

For supplemental information, read our fact sheet Job Coaches as Accommodations (PDF) and article The ADA and Employment Service Professionals.


  • Jeffrey Tamburo
  • Wendy Strobel Gower

A Closer Look: Local ADA Issues in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands

Monday, March 21, 2022
03:38 PM Eastern

Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands (USVI) are a part of the region served by the Northeast ADA Center. This webinar focuses on the most pressing ADA-related issues in Puerto Rico and the USVI, as well as the ongoing challenges faced by local residents with disabilities. Join us to listen to the conversation where the Northeast ADA Center’s territorial affiliates share their thoughts and insights about the implementation of the ADA in the islands.


  • Mildred Gomez and Nellyber Correa Rivera, MAVI; Archie Jennings, DRCVI
  • Chris Sweet and Joe Zesski, Northeast ADA Center

ADA 101.2 Overview of Title I and Employment

Monday, April 26, 2021
01:00 PM Eastern

This webinar is the third in the Northeast ADA's ADA 101 series. Intended for those new to the Americans with Disabilities Act or for those wanting a refresher, this webinar will focus on the employment aspects of the law. It will explore Title I, its coverage, nondiscrimination in employment, and the reasonable accommodation process.


  • Jeffery Tamburo

ADA 101.1 Defining Disability

Friday, March 26, 2021
01:00 PM Eastern

This presentation builds on the introduction to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) given in the webinar ADA 101. Intended for those new to the ADA or for those wanting a refresher, this webinar explores the definition of disability under the ADA, its interpretation, and its application and meaning for individuals in different settings. It also discusses how the ADA’s definition of disability is often different from definitions used by service providers, federal programs, and advocates.


  • Joe Zesski
  • Chris Sweet

Northeast ADA Center Year in Review 2020

Thursday, January 28, 2021
01:00 PM Eastern

While COVID-19 was certainly one of the largest stories of 2020, other ADA items of note happened as well. Join the technical assistance team of the Northeast ADA Center as they review the year 2020. They will share what has been happening at the Northeast ADA, who contacted the center most often during 2020, and what were the most frequently asked about topics. Then, the team will share notable updates related to the ADA in 2020, including COVID-19 related resources, ADA enforcement activities of the Department of Justice and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, new technical assistance materials from federal agencies, and other items of interest. We will also reveal the winner of our most popular infographic of the year contest.


  • Joe Zesski
  • Chris Sweet

Access to Voting

Wednesday, September 25, 2019
12:00 PM Eastern

Participating in the electoral process is a fundamental right in the United States. Voters with disabilities should have equal access and an equal opportunity to exercise this right. Join the Northeast ADA for a webinar that will review how the Americans with Disabilities Act and other laws are intended to insure that people with disabilities can have their voices heard. It will also highlight recent Department of Justice enforcement activity regarding physical, electronic, and communication voting access.



  • Joe Zesski

Service Animal Scenarios

Wednesday, March 27, 2019
01:00 PM Eastern

Chris Sweet, Northeast ADA Technical Assistance and Outreach Specialist, will present Service Animal Scenarios.

Service animals often appear in popular media as a topic of contention as airlines, stores, and other places of public accommodation struggle with understanding what service animals are. In this webinar, we will explore scenarios relating to rights and responsibilities of both service animal users and places of public accommodation.


  • Chris Sweet

PPSFL - Accessible Social Media

Wednesday, March 20, 2019
03:00 PM Eastern


  • Joe Zesski
  • Jeffrey Tamburo

ADA Shopping Season

Wednesday, November 14, 2018
01:00 PM Eastern

 Shopping Season is Upon Us! Best Practices for Serving Customers with Disabilities


Join us to review both ADA requirements, and best practices, for retail establishments that help to enhance the shopping experience for customers with disabilities. This refresher course will review ADA requirements for physical access that are often problematic for shoppers with disabilities, as well as store policies and procedures to consider that impact shoppers with disabilities.


  • Jennifer Perry

Accommodations for Healthcare in the Workplace

Wednesday, September 26, 2018
01:00 PM Eastern

 When people think of accommodations in a health care environment, they often think of patients and visitors. However, health care professionals also have disabilities and may require a reasonable accommodation in their role as employee. This webinar will discuss the rights of health care employees under the ADA, examine scenarios, and respond to  questions from participants.


  • Joe Zesski

Small Employer Webinar

Wednesday, July 25, 2018
01:00 PM Eastern

 How much do small businesses know about disability, the ADA, and their responsibilities related to reasonable accommodation? In the Northeast ADA Center, we are conducting a study to better understand how the ADA is currently implemented in small businesses, where many do not have a dedicated HR professional. Further, we seek to understand what gets in the way of ADA implementation, and how can our ADA Center better support these businesses. During this webinar, we will share finding from a qualitative study of Small Businesses and ADA Implementation.


  • Sarah von Schrader

Effective Communication

Wednesday, May 23, 2018
01:00 PM Eastern

When a patient is speaking with a medical care provider, a variety of challenges, barriers, and misunderstandings can get in the way. In this webinar, we discuss effective communication in the medical setting from the perspective of both the patient with a disability and the medical provider. We also address best practices for creating a positive and clear exchange.


  • Joe Zesski

Access for All: The ADA and Older People

Wednesday, March 21, 2018
01:00 PM Eastern

The ADA has  done much to improve the quality of life for millions of people—including older people—with disabilities. This webinar will educate participants about how the ADA applies to and impacts older adults. Areas such as effective communication techniques when serving people with hearing disabilities and ensuring that programs and services are accessible to older people will be discussed.


  • Jennifer Perry
  • Jeffrey Tamburo

Is That a Service Animal: What Rights Apply Where

Wednesday, January 24, 2018
01:00 PM Eastern

The Northeast ADA Center is often asked about service animals. It can be confusing for individuals with disabilities, businesses, transit providers, and landlords to know what rights a person with a disability has under which law and in which places—and what’s required. This webinar will explain what is a service animal and what is an assistance animal. It will also cover where these animals can and cannot go.


  • Joe Zesski

Transitioning from High School to Post-Secondary Education

Wednesday, November 29, 2017
01:00 PM Eastern

Students moving from high school to college face new and different responsibilities. This is especially true for a student with a disability as their educational rights shift from IDEA to Section 504 and the ADA. This webinar discusses what a young adult with a disability should know about their rights and responsibilities and about navigating the post-secondary environment.



  • Joe Zesski

A Week in the Life of AAA: Ensuring Access for All Part 2

Friday, November 17, 2017
11:00 AM Eastern


  • Wendy Strobel Gower
  • Jennifer Perry

A Week in the Life of AAA: Ensuring Access for All Part 1

Wednesday, November 01, 2017
11:00 AM Eastern


  • Jennifer Perry
  • Jeffrey Tamburo

Reasonable Accommodation: A Focus on Small Employers

Friday, August 11, 2017
01:00 PM Eastern

Reasonable accommodation is a cornerstone of Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  Reasonable accommodation allows people to approach the same work, in a way that works for them; it’s not about people getting “special” or “extra” rights. The ADA covers employers with 15 or more employees, including state and local governments.  There are approximately 25 million small businesses in the United States, and these businesses represent the vast majority of employers.  Many small employers believe that reasonable accommodation is cost prohibitive.  In reality, most employers report low or no cost when making accommodations.  This webinar will explore the misunderstandings and best practices of particular relevance to small employers when accommodating employees with disabilities in and around the workplace.  


  • Jeffrey Tamburo

Accessible Beach Access Routes

Wednesday, June 28, 2017
01:00 PM Eastern

 It’s that time of year that many of us take advantage of the summer weather and “head to the shore” for some R&R. This webinar will review the scoping and technical requirements for beach access routes from the ABA Outdoor Developed Areas Final Rule.  While the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design do not directly address access to beaches, there are still Program Accessibility obligations to consider (for beaches maintained by state/local government entities) that require that programs and activities offered by public entities must be accessible to people with disabilities. This webinar will review the ABA's requirements that apply to beach access routes in national parks and other outdoor areas developed by the federal government, as they can be a useful tool for ADA covered entities that are looking for best practice guidance related to beach access routes. 


  • Jennifer Perry

Online Course Accessibility in the Postsecondary Environment: The Reason and the Design

Tuesday, December 06, 2016
02:00 PM Eastern

This webinar will explore the requirement for college and university online courses to be accessible. It will review the relevant laws and explain their relationship to a postsecondary institution's online content. It will discuss what an accessible online course will look like and share tips for practical application of accessibility principles.


  • Joe Zesski
  • ADA Center Partner

State of the Community Virtual Conference: How the ADA Trainer/Leadership Network is Changing Local Communities

Wednesday, September 21, 2016
01:00 PM Eastern

 Since 2007, the Northeast ADA Center and its ADA National Network partners have trained hundreds of disability professionals, advocates, and others to present a carefully designed curriculum to affect change in attitudes and behaviors around disability inclusiveness. This national capacity building initiative is known as the ADA Trainer/Leadership Network (TLN).

Collectively TLN members have conducted ADA training for thousands of civic organizations, businesses, municipalities, employers, and community groups. Tune in to learn more about the TLN and hear about the awesome work TLN members have done to increase understanding and implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act in their communities!


  • LaWanda Cook
  • Joe Zesski

The ADA & Aging Americans

Wednesday, August 10, 2016
01:00 PM Eastern

This webinar will discuss the intersection of America’s aging population and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). As the American population ages and more individuals join the ranks of senior citizens, more Americans inevitably will have disabilities and in turn, benefit from this landmark civil rights law. Title I of the ADA, which covers employment, requires that reasonable accommodations be made available to qualified senior workers with disabilities. Titles II and III of the ADA mandate access to programs, goods, and services by people with disabilities, including requirements that largely benefit older American’s as they participate in community life. We will review how these various ADA regulations benefit an aging population by discussing several key areas of the law that directly impact older Americans.


  • Jeffrey Tamburo
  • Jennifer Perry

How Can We Help? The Impact of Technical Assistance

Wednesday, July 13, 2016
01:00 PM Eastern

The Northeast ADA Center’s technical assistance team provides one-on-one, on-demand ADA guidance to any stakeholder in its region, which includes New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands. The team connects individuals and organizations with targeted resources and information, and assists with ADA and disability related issues. Because the Northeast ADA Center fields questions from individuals, businesses, educational institutions, state and local governments, disability services and other professionals, we are in a unique position to gather data about common and recurring issues across the region. This webinar will share what we have learned from our technical assistance data about the most common ADA/disability-related issues impacting the region and who is reaching out for guidance. This webinar also will highlight outcomes experienced by individuals and organizations who have received technical assistance from the Northeast ADA Center.


  • Joe Zesski
  • Jennifer Perry

Employer Panel: Disability Inclusiveness Practices and the Just-in-Time Program

Wednesday, June 22, 2016
01:00 PM Eastern

During this interactive webinar, employers across a variety of sectors will discuss disability inclusiveness practices in their organizations and their implementation of the Just-in-Time approach.  Participants will have a chance to pose questions to these employers and discuss the challenges, strategies, solutions and opportunities they experienced in using the JIT approach and cultivating disability inclusive organizations.


  • Hannah Rudstam
  • ADA Center Partner

Reaching Employers about Disability Inclusiveness: The Just-in-Time Program

Wednesday, June 08, 2016
01:00 PM Eastern

More than 25 years after the passing of the ADA, people with disabilities still face barriers and discrimination in employment.  One key to bringing about change lies in creating more powerful approaches to reaching employers.  The Just-in-Time (JIT) Program is based on the idea that we need to reach those key players who are most likely to make decisions that impact the employment lives of people with disabilities:  Managers and supervisors.  During this session, we will review research on employment discrimination, provide an overview of the JIT Program and discuss our evaluation findings.


  • Hannah Rudstam
  • EDI General Partner

Building Trust & Openness: The Human Side of Disability in the Workplace

Wednesday, May 11, 2016
01:00 PM Eastern

When many people think of disability in the workplace, they think of the law. This is understandable; there are several important laws prohibiting disability discrimination at work. Yet, a key issue for both people with disabilities and employers is more on the human side of disability inclusiveness. How can employers build a climate of trust in their organizations so people with disabilities are willing to come forward? And, how can applicants and employees with disabilities make decisions about when to trust an employer to disclose a disability? Trust is difficult to define, hard to build and easy to destroy.

During this webinar, we discuss some basic concepts around trust-building and why it is important. Then, we review research on disability, trust, and disclosure.  Finally, we willprovide practical tips on trust and the disability disclosure decision for both employers and people with disabilities.


  • Wendy Strobel Gower

Overview of the Proposed Public Rights of Way Accessibility Guidelines

Wednesday, April 13, 2016
01:00 PM Eastern

This webinar will review the U.S. Access Board’s proposed guidelines that address conditions and constraints that are unique to public rights-of-way, including pedestrian access to sidewalks and streets, crosswalks, curb ramps, street furnishings, pedestrian signals, on-street parking, and other components of public rights-of-way. We will also discuss the U.S. Department of Justice’s guidance materials re: Title II entities obligations to provide accessible pedestrian walkways for people with disabilities.


  • Jennifer Perry

Trends in Web Accessibility

Wednesday, February 10, 2016
01:00 PM Eastern

Much of work, play and community interaction happens online or via mobile apps. The web connects businesses, government and individuals with and without disabilities in numerous ways. How the ADA applies to the web is an essential issue that continues to develop. This webinar will look at the issue of the ADA and the web, consider recent changes, and examine other relevant regulations effecting web access for people with disabilities.


  • Joe Zesski

Workplace Bullying, Harassment, and Disability

Wednesday, January 13, 2016
01:00 PM Eastern

According to the 2014 Workplace Bullying Institute’s U.S. Workplace Bullying Survey, 27% of employees have current or past direct experience with abusive conduct at work and 72% are aware of workplace bullying. While our understanding of frequency and impact of this issue among the general population is increasing, workplace bullying is still legal in the U.S. However, little is known about the abusive experiences of workers with disabilities. As members of a protected class, workers with disabilities may have legitimate cause to claim harassment, which unlike bullying, is illegal.  This session will explore the definitional and legal differences between bullying and harassment, provide an overview of the impact of bullying in the workplace, describe the recourse available to abused workers with disabilities, and offer suggestions for how employers can foster safer, more accepting workplaces. Relevant findings from Cornell’s Work-Life Balance and Disability Study will be shared.


  • LaWanda Cook
  • LaWanda Cook

Overview of the Proposed Standards for Accessible Medical Diagnostic Equipment

Wednesday, December 09, 2015
01:00 PM Eastern

This webinar will review the proposed accessibility standards developed by the U.S. Access Board for equipment used in medical settings by health care providers for diagnostic purposes, including: examination tables and chairs, weight scales, mammography equipment, and other imaging equipment. The webinar will also discuss the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ guidance information for health care providers regarding their responsibilities to make their services and facilities accessible to individuals with mobility disabilities under the ADA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.


  • Jennifer Perry

Air Travel for Individuals with Disabilities: Intersection of the Air Carriers Access Act and the ADA

Wednesday, November 18, 2015
01:00 PM Eastern

A recent study by the Open Doors Organization revealed that in the past two years, more than 26 million adults with disabilities traveled for business or pleasure. While legislation such as the Air Carrier Accessibility Act (ACAA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has helped to improve travel experiences for people with disabilities, many still face challenges in air travel. Some of the challenges may be due to misunderstanding about one’s rights and responsibilities under relevant legislation. This session will provide an overview of the implications of the ACAA and the ADA on air travel – from booking a flight to boarding and deplaning. Issues such as emergency evacuation and traveling with a service animal will also be addressed.


  • LaWanda Cook
  • Chris Sweet

Issues, Impacts and Implications of an Aging Workforce

Wednesday, October 14, 2015
01:00 PM Eastern

The aging population is growing and the number of older adults in the workforce is rising, which presents multiple challenges to organizations. Age discrimination and the increased prevalence of disability with age are very common and real concerns among employers and aging workers.  This webinar will highlight the realities of this changing workforce, share information on discrimination charges filed under the Americans with Disabilities Act as well as the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, and discuss implications for practice for both employers and disability service professionals.  This webinar also will discuss the common issues and characteristics of charges jointly filed under the ADA and ADEA. 


  • Sarah von Schrader
  • Jeffrey Tamburo

The expanding disability market: Scenario Clinic

Wednesday, September 30, 2015
01:00 PM Eastern

During this webinar, we will explore and discuss scenarios related to serving people with disabilities in a variety of sectors and businesses.  Building upon the September 9 webinar, we will pose short scenarios describing real-life dilemmas around accessibility and serving people with disabilities.  The scenarios will be drawn from a variety of settings, including healthcare, retail, hospitality, recreation and education.  Attendees will have a chance to interact and discuss these scenarios with the facilitator.   



  • Hannah Rudstam

The expanding disability market: Serving customers with disabilities

Wednesday, September 09, 2015
01:00 PM Eastern

People with disabilities make up a significant customer base for businesses across our country.  With the aging of the population and with the greater participation of people with disabilities in community and commerce, the disability market is rapidly expanding.  How can business and agencies make sure that they are accessible and welcoming to this rapidly expanding market?  This webinar provides information on market trends, effective communication, accessibility, and an overview of practical tips for expanding your market though reaching people with disabilities. 



  • Hannah Rudstam

Scenario Clinic: ADA And Higher Education

Wednesday, August 26, 2015
01:00 PM Eastern

The Northeast ADA Center receives calls and emails from university faculty, students, offices for students with disabilities services, and administrators. This webinar will highlight some of the most commonly heard questions and difficult dilemmas that we have heard related to the postsecondary education setting.


  • Joe Zesski

The ADA and Higher Education: What you need to know

Wednesday, August 12, 2015
01:00 PM Eastern

 With the college semester having just commenced or beginning soon, it Is a good time to review the rights and obligations of students with disabilities and universities. Students with disabilities have greater responsibilities for seeking accommodations in the postsecondary setting than they had in high school. Colleges and universities must comply with Section 504 and either Title II or III of the ADA. We will talk about the intersection of rights and responsibilities for both students with disabilities and postsecondary schools.


  • Joe Zesski

25 Years of the Americans with Disabilities Act: Where we have been and where do we still need to go in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015
01:00 PM Eastern

July 26th marks the 25th anniversary of the ADA being signed into law. This webinar will engage with William Sanchez, Director of Puerto Rico’s EEOC office, and Noah Sacks, Assistant US Attorney with the US Attorney’s Office for the District of the Virgin Islands, as they share their personal and professional perspectives on what have been the greatest successes of the implementation of the ADA, as well as what accessibility and enforcement challenges still remain throughout Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands. Participants will have the opportunity to hear from the presenters, as well as to ask questions of their own. Both the presentation and the Powerpoint slides will be provided in Spanish as well!


  • Yessica Guardiola
  • ADA Center Partner

25 Years of the Americans with Disabilities Act: Where we have been and where we still need to go in New York and New Jersey!

Wednesday, July 08, 2015
01:00 PM Eastern

 July 26th marks the 25th anniversary of the ADA being signed into law. This webinar discussion will engage with Joe Amoroso, Director of New Jersey’s Division of Disability Services and Jim Weisman, General Counsel for United Spinal Association, as they share their personal and professional perspectives on what have been the greatest successes of the implementation of the ADA, as well as what accessibility and enforcement challenges still remain within NY and NJ. Participants will have the opportunity to hear from the presenters, as well as to ask questions of their own! 



  • Joe Zesski
  • Jennifer Perry

Access to Sports Facilities

Wednesday, June 24, 2015
01:00 PM Eastern

 This webinar will provide an overview of the 2010 ADA Standards requirements for access to Sports Facilities. Topics covered will include Areas of indoor and outdoor sports activity, including court sports, sports fields and other sports (such as gymnastics and wrestling). Dressing, fitting, and locker rooms, team or player seating areas and access to and for exercise equipment and machines will also be reviewed.


  • Jennifer Perry

Access to Community Recreation Areas

Wednesday, June 10, 2015
01:00 PM Eastern

 This webinar will provide an overview of the recreation areas required to be accessible under the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design, including: amusement rides, boating facilities, fishing piers and platforms, golf courses, miniature golf, and swimming pools and spas. We will also discuss the ADA Title II and Title III obligations to comply with the recreation accessibility requirements for existing recreation areas and those that are newly constructed or altered.


  • Jennifer Perry

The state of Employment for People with Disabilities: Opportunities and Challenges with Social Media and Employment

Wednesday, May 27, 2015
01:00 PM Eastern

It is more and more common that employers recruit, screen, and conduct much of the hiring process online. While this has given employers new ways of finding workers, it has presented challenges for employers and for people with disabilities. Joe Bontke of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission will detail some of the pitfalls that employers may face regarding on line tools and processes under the ADA. He will also look ahead to potential emerging issues in online employment practices and the rights of people with disabilities.


  • ADA Center Partner

The State of Employment for People with Disabilities: Opportunities and Challenges

Wednesday, May 13, 2015
01:00 PM Eastern

In September 2014, New York began its Employment First Initiative to promote the integration of New Yorker’s with disabilities into the workforce. This webinar will examine the employment disparity of people with disabilities, its negative effects, and how governmental action such as the Employment First Initiative can help to reverse the underemployment of working-age people with disabilities. We will also look at how local disability agencies, like centers for independent living, have been a part of the Employment First Initiative and the progress of their efforts. 


  • Joe Zesski

Building & Universal Design Q & A

Wednesday, April 22, 2015
01:00 PM Eastern

 The Northeast ADA Center staff will answer the ADA and Universal Design building accessibility questions received from stakeholders and also address the most common questions related to building design that our Technical Assistance Staff receives. Be sure to submit your questions to the Northeast ADA Center in advance of this session by emailing northeastada@cornell.edu by April 10th, 2015 and indicate “4-22-15 Webinar Question” in the subject line.


  • Jennifer Perry

Universal design: What does it really mean?

Wednesday, April 08, 2015
01:00 PM Eastern

 This webinar will review the major principles of Universal Design and will also discuss how Universal Design concepts differ from the requirements for physical accessibility that are found in the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design.


  • Jennifer Perry

Community accessibility Q & A

Wednesday, March 25, 2015
01:00 PM Eastern

 As follow-up to our Webinar on The Rights of People with Disabilities as Community Members, please join us for the webinar on Community Accessibility Q&A. This session will feature guest speakers from our region that will respond to questions re: community inclusion for people with disabilities, as well as the Independent Living Movement, and “tie in” how the ADA and the Olmstead decision have impacted the disability community. Guest speakers will discuss both the advances in community inclusion, as well as the challenges that remain.


  • Jennifer Perry

The Rights of People with Disabilities as Community Members

Wednesday, March 11, 2015
01:00 PM Eastern

 The ADA and other disability laws exist to promote the full inclusion of individuals with disabilities in all aspects of community life. This session will feature guest speakers who will discuss how the ADA and the Olmstead Decision have impacted the lives of persons with disabilities as community members. 



  • LaWanda Cook

Regional issues in Transportation: Panel Discussion

Wednesday, February 25, 2015
01:00 PM Eastern

 This webinar will highlight recent case law and advancements in accessibility surrounding transportation (i.e. the New York City Accessible Taxi Settlement) and review regional transportation issues impacting people with disabilities in the Northeast ADA Center’s region.


  • Jennifer Perry
  • Yessica Guardiola

The ADA and accessible transportation (Title II and Title III)

Wednesday, February 11, 2015
01:00 PM Eastern

 This webinar will provide an overview of how the ADA applies to transportation for both Title II and Title III entities. We will review the ADA Standards issued by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) that apply to facilities used by state and local governments to provide designated public transportation services, including bus stops and stations, and rail stations. We will also review the Title III regulations that impact transportation, and who is covered under these regulations, i.e. taxi cabs, hotel shuttles, over-the-road buses, etc…


  • Jennifer Perry

Exams and Testing

Wednesday, January 28, 2015
01:00 PM Eastern

 The web has opened up new avenues for people with disabilities to participate in education, business, and government. . Many private and public institutions conduct much of their business on the web including administering exams and courses. This webinar will discuss the accessibility requirements and challenges for Title II and III organizations in delivering these materials to individuals with disabilities effectively and in compliance with Title II and III ADA requirements. To register, please visit: http://www.edi.cornell.edu/register/index.cfm?event=5053


  • Joe Zesski

Web Accessibility Regulations: Title II

Wednesday, January 14, 2015
01:00 PM Eastern

 State and local governments have long had a requirement to ensure effective communication. People are familiar with providing sign language interpreters or alternate materials, but often don’t realize that this requirement extends to information accessed through the web. We will discuss the need of local government and other Title II entities to create accessible websites and media. We will also cover developments in the Title II ADA regulations. To register, please visit:



  • Joe Zesski

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): Back to Basics

Wednesday, December 10, 2014
01:00 PM Eastern

Even though it's been nearly 25 years since the passing of the ADA, many of us are still often unsure or unclear about what the ADA covers, and who and what it applies to. This webinar will feature the Northeast ADA Center Technical Assistance Team sharing and answering some ADA-related questions that are most often asked by our constituents in Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, New York, and New Jersey.  We will focus on the ADA definition of disability, the basic requirements related to accessibility and accommodations within employment, public, and private business settings, and how you can file a disability discrimination or ADA violation complaint. This webinar would likely be of interest to anyone looking to learn and understand more about the basic components of the ADA!


  • Erin Sember
  • Joe Zesski

Writing Pure and Simple: Plain Language Communication in the Field of Disability

Wednesday, December 03, 2014
02:00 PM Eastern

Communicating in the field of disability has its own set of challenges. How can we communicate clearly for our broad range of stakeholders, each with their own language, needs, and level of understanding? How can we hold true to legal or policy terms while keeping writing simple? How can we keep communications brief without using jargon or acronyms? These and other dilemmas are faced almost daily by those who communicate about disability issues. During this webinar, we will use both presentation and conversation to show key points about plain language writing in the disability field.


  • EDI General Partner
  • Hannah Rudstam

Returning Veterans with Disabilities: Update on opportunities, challenges and dilemmas (VEVRAA, FMLA, etc.)

Wednesday, November 12, 2014
01:00 PM Eastern

On Tuesday, November 11, 2014, we will celebrate Veterans Day.  To commemorate the contribution of the men and women who have served our country, this webinar focuses on creating workplace cultures, policies and practices that are effective for transitioning veterans, including veterans with disabilities.  We will provide an overview of the employment situation of veterans with disabilities, focusing on emerging laws in this area and on the experiences of veterans with disabilities as they transition to the civilian workforce.  The session will be co-facilitated by Edgar Johnson, a talent acquisition professional at Cornell University who is himself a veteran.   Edgar will focus on effective strategies to recruit and retain veterans and veterans with disabilities.  Finally, we will consider the human perspective.  How can employers create employment policies, practices and cultures that are both effective and that foster a climate of trust for the many veterans who will be returning to our workplaces?


  • Hannah Rudstam

Section 503, the ADA Amendments Act, and Disability Service Providers: Scenario Clinic

Wednesday, October 22, 2014
01:00 PM Eastern

 Recent changes in disability laws and policies could lead to sweeping changes for individuals with disabilities in the workplace and other areas of life.  New rules for Rehabilitation Act (RA) Section 503 impact how employers recruit, hire, retain and accommodate workers with disabilities.  Signed into law in 2008, the ADA Amendments Act has changed the employment landscape for individuals with disabilities.  Most of what is written about Section 503 and the ADA Amendments Act has been directed toward employers.  But individuals with disabilities are also impacted.  During these two webinars, we will co-explore the meaning of Section 503 and the ADAAA for individuals with disabilities and for the employment service providers who serve them. 

The October 8 webinar focuses on what people with disabilities and VR professionals most need to know about RA Section 503 and the ADAAA (as well as other laws).  The October 22 webinar is an interactive session that will focus on real-life employment implications for RA Section 503 and ADAAA for individuals with disabilities and those who serve them.   


  • Hannah Rudstam
  • Sarah von Schrader

Section 503, the ADA Amendments Act, and Disability Service Providers: Your role in supporting employers and people with disabilities

Wednesday, October 08, 2014
01:00 PM Eastern

Recent changes in disability laws and policies could lead to sweeping changes for individuals with disabilities in the workplace and other areas of life.  New rules for Rehabilitation Act (RA) Section 503 impact how employers recruit, hire, retain and accommodate workers with disabilities.  Signed into law in 2008, the ADA Amendments Act has changed the employment landscape for individuals with disabilities.  Most of what is written about Section 503 and the ADA Amendments Act has been directed toward employers.  But individuals with disabilities are also impacted.  During these two webinars, we will co-explore the meaning of Section 503 and the ADAAA for individuals with disabilities and for the employment service providers who serve them. 

The October 8 webinar focuses on what people with disabilities and VR professionals most need to know about RA Section 503 and the ADAAA (as well as other laws).  The October 22 webinar is an interactive session that will focus on real-life employment implications for RA Section 503 and ADAAA for individuals with disabilities and those who serve them.   


  • Hannah Rudstam

Housing Issues for People with Disabilities: The ADA and other laws

Friday, September 19, 2014
02:00 PM Eastern

Housing is essential to human survival. This commodity affords the physiological and emotional reassurance needed for citizens to engage in meaningful activities in society (Maslow, 1943). When you think of the term home, thoughts of comfort and security come to mind. However, the shortage of accessible housing in the U.S., compiled with discrimination in the housing market, reduces the availability of housing for citizens with disabilities and complicates their experiences within their homes. This webinar will cover some of the housing issues confronted by individuals with disabilities, and the different disability laws that are designed to facilitate access to appropriate housing.



  • Jennifer Perry

School’s Out, Now What? Inclusive Extra-Curricular Activities

Wednesday, September 10, 2014
02:00 PM Eastern

 The Rehabilitation Act and Title II of the ADA require that public schools provide program access for students with disabilities. These requirements extend to extra-curricular events offered by the school. This webinar will include a review of the US Department of Education’s January 2013 letter detailing the obligation of public schools to include students with disabilities in athletic programming under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. It will also consider the benefits of inclusion for students with and without disabilities. 


  • LaWanda Cook

The State of Disability Law, Policy and Practice in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands

Wednesday, August 13, 2014
02:00 PM Eastern

People with disabilities in the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico are covered by US Federal law covering the rights of people with disabilities in employment, community participation, commerce and other areas of life. Yet, they face a unique set of challenges.  During this session, we will examine laws, policies, and trends impacting disability in the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. We will examine the application of the ADA, including case law in this area and consider laws, issues, and policies unique to these Territories.



  • Hannah Rudstam
  • Yessica Guardiola

Accessible Event Planning: Legal, Human and Practical issues

Friday, July 18, 2014
02:00 PM Eastern

 Whether you are hosting a small, indoor meeting for a group of employees or a large outdoor event open to the entire public, it is important to plan and create an experience that allows everyone the opportunity fully to engage and participate. This includes your employees, peers, customers, and community members who have physical, sensory, psychiatric, environmental, and cognitive disabilities.  Through this online webinar, we will address how to plan an accessible event from beginning to end.  We will review what the ADA says about accessibility and discuss how to practically apply that to your event planning strategies. This presentation would be beneficial for anyone who engages in planning meetings or events of any kind.


  • Erin Sember

Twenty-four years of the ADA: Progress, Pitfalls and Possibilities

Wednesday, July 09, 2014
02:00 PM Eastern

 The ADA was passed 24 years ago amidst a great hope that this bold new legislation would remove barriers to equal opportunity and access for people with disabilities across several life spheres.  In what areas have we made progress over the last 24 years?  In what areas do we still have work to do?  What possibilities do new policies and legislative changes bring?  In this session, we will draw from several sources to reflect upon our progress toward the goal of equal opportunity and access.  We will focus on several life spheres for people with disabilities, including economic life, employment, physical and program access, education, and health and safety.


  • Hannah Rudstam
  • Erin Sember

ADA In Higher Education: What students and administrators need to know

Wednesday, June 11, 2014
02:00 PM Eastern

 In the postsecondary education setting, students with disabilities, faculty, and administration have rights and responsibilities under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the ADA. For students, their rights have changed since leaving the high school setting and they are solely responsible for advocating for reasonable accommodations.  For faculty and administration, they must insure equal access and opportunity to students with disabilities on campus, in campus housing, in the classroom, and online. This webinar will discuss the requirements of the ADA and Section 504, reasonable accommodation and essential course requirements in the academic setting, and some of the common questions and challenges heard by the Northeast ADA Center. This presentation is intended for a broad audience of students with disabilities, faculty, and administrators.


  • Joe Zesski

What’s Your Plan? Barrier Removal in Title III Entities. Part 4

Friday, May 16, 2014
02:00 PM Eastern

 Part 4 of the series will discuss the remediation of the barriers to accessibility found in the site assessment process and discuss how to apply to the Barrier Removal Standard to determine if barriers are readily achievable to remediate. This part of the series will stress the importance of using the findings of the site assessment to generate an Implementation Plan that will serve as a guide for building owners going forward that want to improve accessibility, but may not have the funds needed to correct every accessible feature in the facility in the immediate future. We will provide attendees with guidance issued by the Department of Justice to help “rank” those accessibility features that are deemed of higher priority –i.e. what do I fix first, and second, etc….


  • United Spinal

Scenario Clinic: Finding qualified candidates with disabilities

Wednesday, May 14, 2014
02:00 PM Eastern

 For many organizations, recruitment is a “make or break” function.  Making sure the right people are in the right job at the right time can make the different between meeting organizational goals and falling short.  Recruitment is also a statement (often tacit) about where an organization expects to find talent and who they believe has it.  Because the recruitment function is key to both organizational goals and diversity/inclusion, it has become a focus for recent legislative rules changes, such as Rehabilitation Act Section 503 and VEVRAA.  During this webinar, we will use an interactive scenario-based approach to examine some legal, human and practical issues around recruiting qualified people with disabilities.  In addition to the scenario discussion, we will include a look at resources for recruiting qualified candidates with disabilities. 


  • Hannah Rudstam

Accessible Healthcare: Legal, Human, and Practical

Wednesday, April 09, 2014
02:00 PM Eastern

 People with disabilities have the same healthcare needs as everyone else, yet access to community health resources can be challenging at best.  This can result in substandard care and lack of routine medical tests for many people with disabilities.  This webinar will provide critical information on how the Americans with Disabilities Act applies to health care providers and how community based healthcare providers can work effectively with people with disabilities in their communities.


  • Wendy Strobel Gower

What’s Your Plan? Barrier Removal in Title III Entities. Part 3

Friday, March 21, 2014
02:00 PM Eastern

Part 2 and Part 3 of the series will walk stakeholders through the process of performing a physical accessibility site assessment of their facility (what to look for in the parking areas, entrances, circulation paths, toilet rooms, break rooms, primary function areas, etc…) to help identify where accessibility barriers exist.


  • United Spinal

Beyond Yellow Ribbon: Welcoming Veterans with Disabilities in our Communities, Workplaces, and Colleges

Wednesday, March 12, 2014
02:00 PM Eastern

 Clearly, there is a great deal of goodwill to welcome returning veterans and support them in their transition to civilian life. Since 2001, about 2.5 million veterans served in Iraq or Afghanistan.   About half of these returning veterans will have a disability.  Is this goodwill translating into real efforts to enhance the quality of life and work for returning veterans with disabilities?  During this webinar, we will examine some research studies on the status of veterans with disabilities in community participation, education and employment.  Then, we will review three MakingWorkHappen—Toolkits about veterans with disabilities:  One Toolkit for veterans, one Toolkit for disability service providers, and one Toolkit for employers. 



  • Hannah Rudstam

Let's Talk about Effective Communication

Wednesday, February 12, 2014
02:00 PM Eastern

Communicating with most people with disabilities is no different from communicating with anyone else. However, people who have hearing, vision, speech-related, or other types of disabilities may use alternative means to communicate. This webinar will address the requirements of state and local government agencies and of private businesses to ensure effective communication under Titles II and III of the ADA.



  • LaWanda Cook

What‘s Your Plan? Barrier Removal in Title III Entities. Part 2

Friday, January 17, 2014
02:00 PM Eastern

 Part 2 and Part 3 of the series will walk stakeholders through the process of performing a physical accessibility site assessment of their facility (what to look for in the parking areas, entrances, circulation paths, toilet rooms, break rooms, primary function areas, etc…) to help identify where accessibility barriers exist.


  • United Spinal

Emergency Response and Disability for First Responders

Wednesday, January 08, 2014
02:00 PM Eastern

In order to best assist individuals with disabilities in an emergency situation, first responders must be aware of the preparation needed in serving this community. Flexibility and creativity may be called for in order to insure individuals who have disabilities are able to access emergency services and to do so effectively. This webinar will address the issues of physical, communication, and programmatic access as well as the responders’ need to understand the potential unique challenges facing this segment of the population and how to serve them in a respectful manner. First responders and community emergency preparedness teams will primarily benefit from this presentation, but individuals with disabilities may also find it useful in communicating their needs in an emergency situation.


  • Joe Zesski

Accommodations on the Job Scenario Clinic

Wednesday, December 11, 2013
02:00 PM Eastern

 Since 1990, when the ADA was passed, employers have been required to provide reasonable accommodations for employees with covered disabilities.  Though many employers understand the basics of their legal obligations around accommodation, they may struggle with applying accommodation processes in real life in the workplace.  This interactive webinar will include an exploration of some everyday dilemmas around the accommodation process by examining actual accommodation scenarios.  These scenarios will touch upon a range of legal, human and practical issues related to accommodations.  What constitutes an “accommodation request?”  What is a “good faith effort” to engage in the interactive process?  What if an accommodation doesn’t work?  What about leave and re-assignment? What role should managers/supervisors play in the accommodation process?  What happens when a job or role changes?  During this session, we will consider real-life scenarios touching upon these questions.  Then we will explore possible response options, considering the consequences of possible actions.


  • Wendy Strobel Gower

What’s Your Plan? Barrier Removal in Title III Entities. Part 1

Friday, November 15, 2013
02:00 PM Eastern

Part 1 of the series will provide an in-depth review of the Department of Justice’s Title III ADA Regulations and highlight the Barrier Removal Standard. Differences between New Construction and Alterations as compared to Barrier Removal efforts will also be discussed.


  • United Spinal

There's No Place Like Home: Housing and Disability Issues

Wednesday, November 13, 2013
02:00 PM Eastern

 The search for housing can be a very stressful and multifaceted process for veterans with service-connected disabilities. Among other things, this process requires the evaluation of different factors, such as one’s credit score, housing costs in relation to income and employment status, and space requirements. Many veterans with disabilities encounter stress during the search process and experience dissatisfaction with their housing, especially, when considering their disabilities in relation to their housing circumstances and needs. This webinar will discuss findings from a study which focused on the rental housing search and occupancy experiences of veterans with service-connected disabilities.   



  • Luz Semeah

Veterans and Service Animals

Tuesday, November 12, 2013
02:30 PM Eastern

This 1.5 hour webinar will focus on the use of service animals by veterans, primarily in ADA Title II (State & Local Government) and Title III (Places of Public Accommodation) settings. The webinar will particularly look at the use of service animals by veterans who have non-apparent disabilities, such as PTSD.  Service animal basics will briefly be covered, as well as a short discussion on service animals as a workplace accommodation for veterans with disabilities.


  • ADA Center Partner

Interacting with Individuals with Disabilities in Law Enforcement

Wednesday, October 30, 2013
01:00 PM Eastern

Law enforcement officials, such as police officers, sheriffs, deputies, and other law enforcement personnel play an important role within our communities in ensuring and maintaining the safety of all citizens. They also hold a significant responsibility. Whether offering assistance, de-escalating a dispute, responding to distress calls, providing security at events, making arrests, or just engaging with citizens while patrolling through the community, our members of law enforcement represent the law and appropriate standards of behavior. They set the example in terms of respecting not only the law, but one another as human beings.

Among the citizens that law enforcement may encounter everyday are individuals with disabilities, both visible and non-visible disabilities. While law enforcement has their protocols and procedures for how to handle certain situations, respond to incidents, investigate situations and crimes, and conduct business, these may need to be adapted when engaging with individuals with a particular disability in order to ensure the interaction and/or service provided to the individual is equal and accessible. For example, if police need to transport a person who uses a wheelchair, it will be important that the vehicle used be able to accommodate the wheelchair. If a sheriff needs to communicate with someone who is deaf, then alternative ways of communicating may need to be utilized to ensure that person hears and understands what is being said. If a deputy encounters a person with a visual impairment who needs directions, verbal directions will need to be explicit and clear. If law enforcement is not aware of the different physical, sensory, cognitive, or psychological disabilities they may encounter, and how to interact in an effective manner with people with these different disabilities, it can mean the difference between a productive and peaceful interaction vs. a negative and detrimental one.

This online training is appropriate for anyone who works in a law enforcement capacity. Participants will learn:

• The definition of “disability” according to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA);
• What legal/ADA compliance considerations there are for law enforcement;
• What “accessibility” is and how to provide it;
• Effective ways to interact with people with different types of disabilities. particularly within typical law enforcement situations; and
• Examples of possible ways to adapt procedures and protocols to ensure maximum effectiveness in communication and interaction with someone with a disability.


  • Joe Zesski

ADA Basics: What DSP's Need to Know about the Employment Provisions of the ADA

Wednesday, October 09, 2013
02:00 PM Eastern

 Disability Service Professionals (DSPs) play an important role in the employment outcomes of individuals with disabilities. This webinar will review Title I of the ADA as it relates to the work of DSPs including vocational counselors and placement specialists.  An overview of Northeast ADA Center’s “Making Work Happen” Online Tutorial will also be provided.

 to register, visit:  http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/edi/register/index.cfm?event=4479


  • Wendy Strobel Gower

Intersections and Crossroads: ADA and territorial laws and policies in the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico

Thursday, September 26, 2013
01:00 PM Eastern

This session will review the following topics:

  • Quick overview of ADA
  • Does ADA apply to US territories?
  • Territorial disability law in Puerto Rico
  • Recent case law—Puerto Rico
  • Territorial disability law in the US Virgin Islands
  • Recent case law—Virgin Islands
  • Emerging trends and challenges for territorial disability law


  • Yessica Guardiola
  • Hannah Rudstam

Accessibility Update: Difficult 2010 ADA Standards Technical Requirements

Thursday, September 19, 2013
02:00 PM Eastern

On September 19 from 2 PM – 3:30 PM, The Northeast ADA Center is teaming up with United Spinal Association’s Accessibility Services program to host a free Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) training webinar on the “trickier” 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design technical requirements. As both United Spinal Association and the Northeast ADA Center provide technical assistance to the public on these technical requirements, we are providing a webinar devoted exclusively to addressing your burning ADA accessibility questions. To make sure we address your questions in the webinar, please email your questions to jperry@accessibility–services.com by 8/24/13. In the subject line, please indicate “webinar question”.
Accessibility Services will be emailing out registration information for this free webinar in the next few weeks to those individuals that receive our newsletter. Note that AIA members that attend will receive 1.5 AIA CES HSW Learning Units, as the webinar is a 1.5 hour program.
Should you have any questions, feel free to email Jennifer Perry at jperry@accessibility-services.com.


  • United Spinal

Disability Disclosure in the Workplace: Recent Research on Current Practices & Challenges

Thursday, August 29, 2013
01:00 PM Eastern

This session will review the following topics: • Overview of Cornell research study • Practices of job-seekers with disabilities • Practices of employees with disabilities • Disability-related practices of employers • Where to go from here?


  • Erin Sember
  • Sarah von Schrader

Managing Training Requests: Record Keeping, Contracts, References and Referrals

Tuesday, August 13, 2013
02:00 PM Eastern

This session is a closed session for Trainer Network Members. It will review the following topics:

• Responding to training requests/Assessing needs

• Smoothing the process: ensuring clear communication and confirming mutual expectations

• Developing a basic contract

• Getting references and referrals


  • LaWanda Cook
  • Joe Zesski

Worksite Wellness, Leisure and Disability

Thursday, June 27, 2013
01:00 PM Eastern

This session will review the following topics: • Overview of leisure and disability coping • The ADA and Worksite Wellness Programming • Summary of Cornell/SUNY-Cortland Worksite Wellness Study Findings


  • LaWanda Cook

Accessibility Update: Hotels and Resorts

Thursday, June 20, 2013
02:00 PM Eastern

Topics covered will include: -The 2010 ADA Standards scoping requirements for Places of Transient Lodging (i.e. What types of occupancies are required to comply with the 2010 ADA Standards for Places of Transient Lodging?) -Participants will learn about the 2010 ADA Standards Safe Harbor regulations and applicability to existing elements of hotels/resorts that are not being altered. -Technical requirements for achieving accessibility with the 2010 ADA Standards (this will include an overview of the 2010 ADA Standards Sections 224 and 806 requirements for places of transient lodging including Guest Rooms with Mobility Features and Guest Rooms with Communication Features) -Review of updated ADA Regulations applicable to places of Transient Lodging (Service Animals, Hotel Reservations, Mobility Devices, Effective Communication Policies, etc…) Who would benefit from these webinars? -Architects and Design Professionals -Hotel- Resort owners and managers -Hotel management personnel -Property Managers -ADA coordinators -Disability advocates


  • ADA Center Partner
  • LaWanda Cook

Accessibility Update: Play Areas

Friday, June 07, 2013
02:00 PM Eastern

Topics covered will include: -The 2010 ADA Standards scoping requirements for play areas (i.e. when are play areas required to be accessible?) -Participants will learn about the ADA’s Program Accessibility and Barrier Removal Standards for Title II and Title III entities and how they should be applied to existing play areas (in place prior to March 15, 2012) that are not being altered. -Technical requirements for achieving accessibility with the 2010 ADA Standards (this will include an overview of the 2010 ADA Standards Section 1008 requirements for play areas): • Play Components • Soft Contained Play Structures • Accessible Routes • Accessible Surfaces Who would benefit from these webinars? -Architects and Playground design/construction professionals -Building owners and managers -Parks and Recreation management personnel -Property Managers -Municipal managers -ADA coordinators -Disability advocates


  • ADA Center Partner

New Regulations: Service Animals

Thursday, May 30, 2013
01:00 PM Eastern

This session will review the following topics: • Revised definition of service animals under the ADA • Service animal inquiries under the ADA • Differences between the ADA and other laws impacting people who use service animals (i.e. Fair Housing Act, Air Carrier Access Act)


  • Erin Sember

Accessibility Update: Swimming Pools, Wading Pools and Spas

Friday, May 03, 2013
02:00 PM Eastern

Topics covered will include: -The 2010 ADA Standards scoping requirements for pools and spas (i.e. when are pools and spas required to be accessible?) -Participants will learn about the ADA’s Program Accessibility and Barrier Removal Standards for Title II and Title III entities and how they should be applied to existing swimming pools, wading pools and spas that were in place prior to January 31, 2013 that are not being altered. -Technical requirements for achieving accessibility with the 2010 ADA Standards (this will include an overview of the 2010 ADA Standards Section 1009 requirements for pool lifts, sloped entries, transfer walls, transfer systems and pool stairs). Who would benefit from these webinars? -Architects -Building owners and managers -Swimming club management personnel -Hotel and resort owners/management -Municipal managers -ADA coordinators -Disability advocates.


  • ADA Center Partner

Issues in Web Site Accessibility for Employers featuring WebAIM

Friday, April 26, 2013
02:00 PM Eastern

This session will review the following topics: • Web accessibility basics (overview of guidelines and laws, principles of accessibility, evaluation tools) • Business case for web accessibility for Title I entities (i.e. Application systems and benefits systems) • Recent Court Decisions of interest in web accessibility (i.e. Netflix decision)


  • ADA Center Partner

Program Access in the Information Age featuring WebAIM

Friday, March 22, 2013
02:00 PM Eastern

This session will review the following topics: • Web accessibility basics (overview of guidelines and laws, principles of accessibility, evaluation tools) • Business Case for Web Accessibility for Customer Access • New Regulations impacting web accessibility for Title II and Title III Entities


  • ADA Center Partner

Employment for People with Disabilities in 2013: Hot-Button Issues

Thursday, February 28, 2013
01:00 PM Eastern

This session will review the following topics: • What are the issues? Why did they emerge now? • Leave as an accommodation: What are best practices? How much leave has to be granted? Does the ADA AA change leave practices? • Accommodating veterans with disabilities - particularly signature disabilities • Integrating disability into diversity planning • Other hot-button issues on the horizon • Summary: What do you see as hot button issues?


  • Hannah Rudstam

The 2010 Revised ADA Accessibility Guidelines for the Virgin Islands

Friday, March 30, 2012
01:00 PM Eastern

This live, instructor-led online program will provide an overview of the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design and highlight those areas where accessibility requirements in the Virgin Islands Building Code differ from federal accessibility requirements. Specifically, this course will focus on: problem application areas in commercial facilities, accessibility requirements in existing facilities, and accessibility requirements to and within special occupancies. We will also focus on the new guidelines for toilet rooms and other aspects of the built environment.


  • ADA Center Partner

The 2010 Revised ADA Accessibility Guidelines for Puerto Rico

Friday, March 23, 2012
01:00 PM Eastern

This live, instructor-led on-line program will provide attendees with an overview of the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design and highlight those areas where accessibility requirements found in the 2011 Puerto Rico Building Code differ from federal accessibility requirements. Specifically, this course will focus on: problem application areas in commercial facilities, accessibility requirements in existing facilities and accessibility requirements to and within special occupancies. We will also focus on the new guidelines for toilet rooms and other aspects of the built environment.


  • ADA Center Partner

The 2010 Revised ADA Accessibility Guidelines for New Jersey

Friday, March 16, 2012
01:00 PM Eastern

This live, instructor-led on-line program will provide attendees with an overview of the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design and highlight those areas where accessibility requirements found in the New Jersey Barrier Free Subcode differ from federal accessibility requirements. Specifically, this course will focus on: problem application areas in commercial facilities, accessibility requirements in existing facilities and accessibility requirements to and within special occupancies. We will also focus on the new guidelines for toilet rooms and other aspects of the built environment.


  • ADA Center Partner

The 2010 Revised ADA Accessibility Guidelines for New York

Friday, March 09, 2012
01:00 PM Eastern

This live, instructor-led on-line program will provide attendees with an overview of the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design and highlight those areas where accessibility requirements found in the 2010 Building Code of New York State differ from federal accessibility requirements. Specifically, this course will focus on: problem application areas in commercial facilities, accessibility requirements in existing facilities and accessibility requirements to and within special occupancies. We will also focus on the new guidelines for toilet rooms and other aspects of the built environment.


  • ADA Center Partner

About Hiring: Responding to Emerging Trends in Hiring Practices and the Labor Force Impacting Jobseekers with Disabilities

Thursday, December 15, 2011
01:00 PM Eastern

Despite the passing of the ADA in 1990 and ADAAA in 2008, qualified jobseekers with disabilities continue to face significant barriers in getting permanent, viable jobs. While some of these barriers are directly related to having a disability, others are not and have to do more with subtle but distinct characteristics and changes in the labor market, business, and the organizational climate. Some of these trends could be good news for jobseekers with disabilities, while others may not be. The purpose of this webinar is to get beyond just basic information about legal rights and obligations under the ADA and to move toward enabling participants to expand their knowledge of the existing climate and create strategies to enhance their job seeking effectiveness. This webinar is ideal for job seekers with disabilities, employment service providers, vocational rehabilitation professionals, HR professionals, and employers.

This webinar is FREE of charge. Register Here


  • Erin Sember

Northeast ADA Center Webinar: Minding Your Business: Engaging People with Learning, Psychiatric, and Cognitive Disabilities in the Workplace

Thursday, December 08, 2011
01:00 PM Eastern

Better diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric, learning, and cognitive disabilities, coupled with the understanding that these disabilities are not character flaws, but brain disorders, have resulted in many more people with these disabilities being in the labor market than was the case just a decade ago. Thus, the workplace inclusion of these individuals presents a relatively new dilemma for many employers. This webinar will: • Facilitate awareness of different types of psychiatric, learning, and cognitive disabilities • Enhance understanding of the facts and myths around these types of disabilities • Make the business case for creating a workplace that is welcoming and accommodating to people with these disabilities • Provide resources for identifying possible workplace accommodations • Explore best practices for engaging people with these types of disabilities in the workplace • Consider factors related to organizational cultures that help facilitate acceptance of people with these disabilities

This webinar is FREE of charge. Register Here


  • LaWanda Cook

Northeast ADA Center Webinar: Inclusive Talent Management: Organizational trends that make engaging people with disabilities a business imperative.

Thursday, December 01, 2011
01:00 PM Eastern

During this workshop, we will explore connections between disability inclusiveness and organizational effectiveness or competitive advantage. How are current workplace, business and disability trends creating new imperatives for talent management? Using both presentation and interactive formats, this webinar will both consider these trends and engage participants in active discussions of emerging dilemmas around disability inclusiveness in the workplace. Included in the session, will be a consideration of how to retain talent through accommodation, workforce trends that impact retention, and issues related to supervising people with disabilities in the work place.

This webinar is FREE of charge. Register Here


  • Wendy Strobel Gower

Reaching the Gatekeepers of Disability Inclusiveness in the Workplace: A Just-in-Time Approach for Mid-level Managers

Thursday, September 15, 2011
01:00 PM Eastern

Managers and supervisors are the kingpins of any diversity or inclusion initiative in the workplace. They are the first-line gatekeepers of decisions about hiring, coaching, performance, promotions, employee development, accommodation and termination. Yet, they have largely been left out of the equation when we consider disability inclusiveness efforts. Thus far, no disability inclusiveness programs have been crafted specifically to engage mid-level managers—to fit their roles, their challenges and their unique contribution to the inclusion effort. The “world” of the manager/supervisor has changed dramatically over the past two decades. Managers today have more direct reports, must often lead remotely, are confronted by rapidly changing, complex organizational structures, and often face increasing productivity expectations along with shrinking budgets. Also, there is significant “churn” today in the manager/supervisor role and this constant change in manager/supervisor ranks clearly impacts the work lives of people with disabilities. For these reasons, traditional training may not be the best way to reach these key players. What is needed is an initiative that makes sense and is useable in the world of a manager. What is needed is a “just-in-time” approach. During this webinar, we will discuss how economic and workforce trends have impacted the world of the mid-level manager and what this could mean for workers with disabilities. Then, we will review a new approach being taken by the Northeast ADA Center at Cornell University to enhance disability inclusiveness in the workplace by reaching mid-level managers. This webinar is ideally suited for human resource professionals, diversity professionals, people with disabilities, disability service providers, ADA Coordinators, state/local government professionals, career counselors, and anyone interested in disability and workplace issues.


  • Hannah Rudstam

Building Capacity from the Inside Out: Lessons Learned from the ADA Trainer Network

Thursday, August 11, 2011
01:00 PM Eastern

Presented by: LaWanda Cook, Ph.D., DBTAC Northeast ADA Center The ADA Trainer Network was created by the Northeast ADA Center (DBTAC-NE) at the Employment and Disability Institute at Cornell University. The purpose of this initiative is to enhance our capacity to reach a broader range of stakeholders in our region — stakeholders who are directly or indirectly impacted by the ADA whether in their personal experience, in a professional role, through employment, in their business and customer interactions, in their relationship to the built environment or in their participation in other programs and policies. This session will include some of the findings from the research component of this project and some of the lessons learned since the inception of the program. This webinar is ideally suited for past ADA Trainer Network participants as well as others interested in launching a similar Train the Trainer program in their own communities.


  • LaWanda Cook

Beyond Yellow Ribbons: Workplace Disability Inclusiveness for Veterans with Disabilities

Thursday, June 30, 2011
12:00 AM Eastern

Recently, there has been a surge of goodwill among employers to “do the right thing” in employing veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. While this goodwill is laudable, we must pose a question. Will this goodwill be enough? To a large degree, veterans’ workplace issues are disability workplace issues. During this webinar, we will explore the findings of two studies on workplace issues for returning veterans with disabilities recently conducted by the Cornell Northeast ADA Center (DBTAC) in collaboration with the National ADA Network, the National SHRM organization, the Kessler Foundation. Both studies focus on knowledge, beliefs/expectations and behaviors/practices around workplace disability inclusiveness for veterans. One of these studies examines employers; the other study centers on veterans themselves. This webinar would be ideally suited for HR professionals, business leaders, VR professionals, disability advocates, military professionals, and service providers.


  • Hannah Rudstam

Disability IS Diversity: Testing a New Approach to Reach Employers

Thursday, May 05, 2011
12:00 AM Eastern

Despite two decades of ADA protections, the economic and employment life conditions of people with disabilities have not significantly changed. Though the reasons for this are complex and multi-facetted, the attitudes and beliefs of employers are a key factor contributing to these disappointing statistics. Clearly, new approaches are needed to reach employers to enhance disability inclusiveness in the workplace. During this session, we will explore a knowing--doing gap that has limited the effectiveness of disability and employment programs. That is, though employers for the most part know about the ADA and legal compliance, this knowledge is largely not being translated into actions which will improve the working lives of people with disabilities. Further, we will explore one intervention designed to bridge this knowing--doing gap--an intervention based on building collaborations, forging strategic partnerships and offering blended learning. Finally, we will report findings from a mixed methods study of the impacts of this program. This presentation would benefit disability researchers, Human Resource professionals, disability service providers, diversity professionals, and individuals with disabilities.


  • Hannah Rudstam

Business Continuity Awareness for Human Service Providers

Thursday, February 24, 2011
12:00 AM Eastern

Business Continuity (also known as Continuity of Operations Plan) is planning for a disaster/emergency event by ensuring continuous operation of the organization related to its essential functions and day-to-day operations. The Business Continuity plan is designed to outline protocols and procedures for maintaining daily operation and product/service delivery in the midst of local, regional, or national emergencies.


  • Erin Sember

Heroes at Work: Veterans with Disabilities in the Workplace

Friday, December 17, 2010
12:00 AM Eastern

Veterans with disabilities face a unique set of challenges when transitioning back to the world of work. They may be adjusting to the new reality posed by a recently acquired disability; they may have had career disruptions from time off the civilian workforce; or they may not know how to deal with their disability in a hiring situation. Yet, veterans with disabilities bring a wealth of skills and attitudes that make them valuable employees. Further, most business leaders and employers want to do the right thing in hiring and accommodating veterans with disabilities. A key part of the military service-to-work transition for any veteran with a disability is to understand their legal rights as a person with a disability in the workforce. Likewise, a key part of successfully employing veterans with disabilities involves understanding the unique issues in hiring and accommodating individuals with service-related disabilities. In this program, we will co-explore workplace issues for veterans with disabilities from a legal, practical and human perspective.


  • Judy Young
  • Hannah Rudstam

Update on Accessible IT and Websites

Monday, November 22, 2010
12:00 AM Eastern

Is your website accessible? If not, your business or organization risks losing touch with a significant segment of your potential users: people with disabilities. Over the past several years, many advances have been made in website accessibility. During this session, we will co-explore current and emerging legal issues around website accessibility and discuss technical updates.


  • Guest Speaker
  • Wendy Strobel Gower

Intersections & Crossroads: New Jersey Law Against Discrimination and the ADA

Thursday, October 21, 2010
12:00 AM Eastern

The Americans with Disabilities Act and the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination arose from a legacy we can all be proud of. These two laws ensure that people with disabilities can access many areas of life that were previously closed to them. Yet, the intersection and practical application of this state and federal law can be confusing. During this session, participants will review and compare the major features of these two laws across several areas of life, focusing on employment, housing and other areas of program and physical accessibility.


  • Guest Speaker
  • Wendy Strobel Gower

Intersections & Crossroads; New York State Human Rights Law and the ADA

Thursday, September 23, 2010
12:00 AM Eastern

Guest speaker John Herrion - New York State Division of Human Rights


  • Guest Speaker
  • LaWanda Cook

Finding and Using Disability Statistics: Available Data, Reporting Issues, and Resources

Thursday, August 19, 2010
12:00 AM Eastern

Disability statistics can be informative and useful for a variety of purposes including needs assessments, supporting legislation, promoting funding, identifying specific populations, grant writing, etc. This information can be great but where can you find it? What is it based on? What do you need to consider when presenting and exploring disability statistics? What are its strengths and limitations? This presentation will provide guidance for individuals who are seeking disability statistics to help answer these questions. We will take you on a tour of the web and demonstrate how to access a variety of disability statistics. Covered topics include: 1. How to access disability statistics; 2. Strengths and weaknesses of the data sources; and 3. Other issues to consider when using disability statistics.


  • Bill Erickson
  • Sukyeong Pi

Open for Business: Market and Disability Trends

Friday, July 23, 2010
12:00 AM Eastern

When most businesses think of disability and accessibility, they think of the law. But what about business? People with disabilities represent a significant segment of the customer/consumers of any business, comprising about 20% of the US population today. Further, 30% of those using the product or service of any business will be doing so either having a disability themselves or being accompanied by someone who has a disability. Given this, accessibility takes on a new light. By not having products, services and facilities that are accessible to all, companies risk losing significant market share. During this session, we will co-explore how being accessible and welcoming to customers with disabilities can improve business and enhance market share.


  • Hannah Rudstam
  • Erin Sember

Next Steps Webinar: Person-Centered Planning

Thursday, June 17, 2010
12:00 AM Eastern

Person-centered planning is a process-oriented approach to empowering people with disabilities to identify focus and direction for their life as contributing members of society. It focuses on the strengths and capacities of people and gaining clarity of what constitutes good support. Service systems and natural support systems are better able to craft specific responsive to the interests and needs of the person that effectively move people forward toward deeper involvement in typical community experiences.


  • Carol Blessing

Next Steps Webinar: Service Animals - Legal and Practical Issues

Thursday, April 22, 2010
12:00 AM Eastern

As the population of people with disabilities grows, so does the number of individuals who use service animals. Therefore it is becoming more likely that a person with a physical or psychiatric disability may own a service animal, and that organizations or places of business will serve a customer or hire an employee who uses a service animal. During this session, participants will learn about the different types of service animals, including the different disabilities they can assist with and duties they are capable of performing as well as the various levels of access and rights afforded to each type; the legal rights and responsibilities of individuals with service animals; and the responsibilities of employers, public, and private entities in welcoming and accommodating individuals and/or employees with service animals. This program would be of interest to anyone who owns or has the potential to interact with service animals such as employers, HR professionals, business owners, government employees, places of public accommodation, and individuals who own service animals. During this session, we will: • Review statistics regarding people with disabilities and service animals • Discuss different kinds of service animals, including what they are used for and how they are trained • Review legal issues related to allowing service animals access to public places, housing, workplaces, etc. • Discuss basic etiquette of how to interact with service animals and their owners


  • Erin Sember

Next Steps Webinar: Disability in Higher Education: Legal, Practical and Human Issues

Thursday, March 25, 2010
12:00 AM Eastern

A Northeast ADA “Next Steps” Webinar March 25, 2010 1:00 – 2:30 EST Instructor: Wendy Strobel Gower, Northeast ADA Center. People with disabilities represent a significant portion of the applicant and student pool for institutions of higher education today. Yet many higher education professionals struggle with understanding how to meet the needs of this population. During this session, we will review data on the prevalence of applicants/students with disabilities, learn about research on higher education participation trends for people with disabilities, consider the legal rights of applicants/students with disabilities, discuss different types of curriculum and program modifications for people with disabilities and review emerging dilemmas. This program would be of interest to a range of audiences, including higher education administrators, students with disabilities and their family members, disability professionals, teachers/professors, career counselors and others.


  • Wendy Strobel Gower

Web Accessibility Webinar Series

Thursday, March 18, 2010
12:00 AM Eastern

Colleges and Universities are using the internet as a tool to facilitate applications, registration, and dissemination of important information about benefits. Web accessibility ensures that all students, faculty and staff have access to this critical information and the valuable education services offered by colleges and universities. It is also a key to compliance with federal law and critical to the success of the growing population of students with disabilities. This webinar series will provide training on topics critical to creating dynamic and accessible web sites for colleges and universities. Each webinar will be held from 2 PM to 4 PM EST on the dates listed below.

Captioning and Flash

  • Generating and publishing video captioning and transcripts
  • Techniques for implementing accessibility in Adobe Flash

About the Trainer:

Jared Smith is the Associate Director of WebAIM. He is a highly demanded presenter and trainer and has provided web accessibility training to thousands of developers throughout the world.

Who Should Attend?

This training is recommended and designed for information technology staff, disability services staff, library staff, administrators, faculty, compliance officers, and web masters and other staff members who have an investment in creating an accessible web site.



To register




  • Wendy Strobel Gower

There's Good News and Bad News: Current Hiring Trends and Techniques; Implications for Job Seekers with Disabilities

Thursday, February 25, 2010
12:00 AM Eastern

Despite nearly two decades of the ADA, job-seekers with disabilities continue to face discrimination in the hiring process. This webinar will discuss ten current workplace and organizational trends that directly or indirectly impact how hiring decisions are made about job seekers with disabilities. Discussion will focus on the implications of these trends for job-seekers with disabilities and those professionals who support them in the hiring process.


  • Hannah Rudstam

Web Accessibility Webinar Series

Monday, February 22, 2010
12:00 AM Eastern

Colleges and Universities are using the internet as a tool to facilitate applications, registration, and dissemination of important information about benefits. Web accessibility ensures that all students, faculty and staff have access to this critical information and the valuable education services offered by colleges and universities. It is also a key to compliance with federal law and critical to the success of the growing population of students with disabilities. This webinar series will provide training on topics critical to creating dynamic and accessible web sites for colleges and universities. Each webinar will be held from 2 PM to 4 PM EST on the dates listed below.

Rich Media

  • Accessible word documents
  • PDF Accessibility

About the Trainer:

Jared Smith is the Associate Director of WebAIM. He is a highly demanded presenter and trainer and has provided web accessibility training to thousands of developers throughout the world.

Who Should Attend?

This training is recommended and designed for information technology staff, disability services staff, library staff, administrators, faculty, compliance officers, and web masters and other staff members who have an investment in creating an accessible web site.



To register


If you require any accommodations to attend this event or access the materials, please contact Barbara Sosna at 607.255.8660, or 800.949.4232 or via email at bms8@cornell.edu


  • Wendy Strobel Gower

Women with Disabilities: Effects of Gender, Race, and Disability on Employment

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
12:00 AM Eastern

Title: Women with Disabilities: Effects of Gender, Race and Disability on Employment Topic overview: Women in the United States have struggled to be treated fairly and as equal to men since America was discovered. Prior to the twentieth century, married women had no property rights, women workers had no rights to their earnings, and unequal pay for women was an accepted practice (National Committee on Pay Equity). While the Civil Rights Act (1964) and the ADA (1990) have prohibited all forms of discrimination in the workplace, research literature and the media have reported high levels of wage discrepancies among workers with different personal and demographic characteristics. This webinar will provide information on the latest research on discrimination against women with disabilities in the workplace, specially focusing on wage discrimination. Speaker: Larry W. Featherston, PhD


  • Larry Featherston

Web Accessibility Webinar Series

Monday, January 11, 2010
12:00 AM Eastern

Colleges and Universities are using the internet as a tool to facilitate applications, registration, and dissemination of important information about benefits. Web accessibility ensures that all students, faculty and staff have access to this critical information and the valuable education services offered by colleges and universities. It is also a key to compliance with federal law and critical to the success of the growing population of students with disabilities. This webinar series will provide training on topics critical to creating dynamic and accessible web sites for colleges and universities. Each webinar will be held from 2 PM to 4 PM EST on the dates listed below.

JavaScript and ARIA

  • Overview of Scripting accessibility
  • Does your site require JavaScript?
  • Implementing basic ARIA and JavaScript to enhance accessibility

About the Trainer:

Jared Smith is the Associate Director of WebAIM. He is a highly demanded presenter and trainer and has provided web accessibility training to thousands of developers throughout the world.

Who Should Attend?

This training is recommended and designed for information technology staff, disability services staff, library staff, administrators, faculty, compliance officers, and web masters and other staff members who have an investment in creating an accessible web site.






  • Wendy Strobel Gower

Web Accessibility Webinar Series

Friday, December 11, 2009
12:00 AM Eastern

Colleges and Universities are using the internet as a tool to facilitate applications, registration, and dissemination of important information about benefits. Web accessibility ensures that all students, faculty and staff have access to this critical information and the valuable education services offered by colleges and universities. It is also a key to compliance with federal law and critical to the success of the growing population of students with disabilities. This webinar series will provide training on topics critical to creating dynamic and accessible web sites for colleges and universities. Each webinar will be held from 2 PM to 4 PM EST on the dates listed below.

Advanced HTML Accessibility

  • Review of HTML Techniques (images, forms, frames, tables)
  • Complex forms (forms w/o labels, forms in tables)
  • Form validation and error recovery
  • Skip navigation links
  • CSS accessibility (hiding content for screen reader users)
  • Accesskey and tabindex
  • Ensuring accessible text (font size, face, contrast, etc.)

About the Trainer:

Jared Smith is the Associate Director of WebAIM. He is a highly demanded presenter and trainer and has provided web accessibility training to thousands of developers throughout the world.

Who Should Attend?

This training is recommended and designed for information technology staff, disability services staff, library staff, administrators, faculty, compliance officers, and web masters and other staff members who have an investment in creating an accessible web site.





  • Wendy Strobel Gower


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