
You searched for “Parking Transportation”


  • The ADA and Parking
    Accessible parking is a common feature in parking lots—and a common topic in questions posed on the Northeast ADA Center hotline.
  • The ADA and Transportation Providers
    Consider why accessible transportation is so important and find an overview of requirements for public and private transportation from the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
  • How to File a Complaint
    If you feel that the ADA, or a related law, is not being followed, you can file a complaint. This article helps you figure out where to report the problem.
  • Parking & Transportation Overview
    The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has given us inspiration, guidance, and specific rules about parking and transportation.
  • What Is the Americans with Disabilities Act?
    The ADA defines disability and has five titles (sections) that forbid a wide range of discrimination.

Ask About the ADA


Accessible Flights & Transportation

Infographic titled 'Accessible Flights & Transportation':
When hotels offer transportation, vehicles must be accessible by lift or ramp, allowing wheelchair users to stay seated.
Alternatively, they may contract another company to provide service equivalent to that for other guests (same request process, wait time, cost, etc).
If you have questions about the Americans with Disabilities Act, contact us at 1-800-949-4232. Share on Facebook

ADA Accessible Parking 101

Infographic titled 'ADA Accessible Parking 101' featuring a graphic of an accessible parking spot with arrows identifying aspects listed below.
 Accessible parking spaces must be provided whenever parking is provided including:
 Signage that includes the International Symbol of Accessibility.
 An adjacent access aisle is needed.
 Located on the shortest accessible route to an accessible entrance.
 1 of every 6 must be sized for vans.
 If you have any questions about the Americans with Disabilities Act, contact us at 1-800-949-4232 Share on Facebook

Because of the ADA

Infographic titled 'Because of the ADA.'

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) became law on July 26, 1990. The ADA is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including access to jobs, schools, transportation, and public and private places that are open to the general public. The law is divided into five titles (or areas) where the various protections for people with disabilities are spelled out. The goal of the law is to make sure that people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else.

Here are just a few of the positive effects that can be observed today, all because of the ADA.

Are you going out into the community? You can park in an accessible parking space. You can take an accessible bus. You can easily enter stores because of a curb ramp and doors that are accessible. You can navigate through stores along a clear path of travel. Signage at areas like bathrooms is clear and concise with raised characters and Braille. Drinking fountains are accessible. The checkout counter and service counters you encounter are lower and more accessible. You can bring your service animal with you.

Are you going to the movies? theaters offer assisted listening devices to help you hear better.

Are you making a phone call? You can use a relay service to assist you with communication.

Are you going to a concert or sporting event? You have access to wheelchair accessible seats alongside your friends and family.

Are you going to work? You can request a change in how things are typically done from your employer, called a reasonable accommodation, to assist you with work tasks.

Are you going to vote or to a town meeting? Your polling place and municipal programs, offices and meetings must be accessible to you.

Are you going to the Doctor? You can request an interpreter to communicate more efficiently. You can request medical information in a manner that works for you.

Nearly 37 million people in our country have a disability and nearly 25% of today's 20 year olds will experience disability in their lifetime. (ADA National Network, ADA Anniversary Toolkit)

'This Act is powerful in its simplicity. it will ensure that people with disabilities are given the basic guarantees for which they have worked so long and hard. Independence, freedom of choice, control of their own lives, the opportunity to blend fully and equally into the rich mosaic of the American mainstream.' -President George H.W. Bush, ADA Signing Ceremony, July 26, 1990 Share on Facebook

Accessible Shopping: Parking

Infographic titled 'Accessible Shopping: Parking' featuring a picture of a parking space with an access symbol.

Accessible parking spaces help customers access your goods and services and make good business sense!

Remove shopping carts and other items like snow, ice, and leaves from these spaces.

Maintain curb ramps and sidewalks to prevent uneven surfaces from forming so customers can access your entrance.

If you have questions about the Americans with Disabilities Act, contact us at 1-800-949-4232 Share on Facebook

Accessible Stadiums

Infographic titled 'Accessible Stadiums: A Few Key Features' featuring the image of a baseball park.

Accessible parking is required where parking is provided.
Wheelchair seating locations must provide a line of sight over standing spectators.
All concessions, including food service areas, restaurants, and souvenir stands, must be accessible.
Assistive listening systems are required for people who are hard of hearing.

If you have questions about the Americans with Disabilities Act, contact us at 1-800-949-4232. Share on Facebook

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