
Usted buscó “Gobierno Estatal y Local”


  • Acerca de la Accesibilidad Recreativa
    Comprenda las regulaciones para el acceso recreativo para personas con discapacidades, encuentre hojas informativas e infografías, y aprenda sobre las mejores prácticas inclusivas.
  • La ADA y los Autobuses de Ruta Fija
    Vídeos instructivos sencillos e información que explican las normas de la ADA que garantizan un viaje en autobús accesible para personas con discapacidades.
  • La Ley ADA y el Título II Entidades Públicas
    La Ley ADA garantiza el acceso de las personas con discapacidad a edificios, instalaciones, programas, servicios y actividades ofrecidos por los gobiernos estatales y locales.
  • La Ley ADA y los Estacionamientos
    Los estacionamientos accesibles son una característica común en los estacionamientos y una pregunta que recibimos muy frecuentemente en la línea directa del Centro ADA del Noreste.
  • ¿Qué es la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades?
    La Ley ADA incluye una definición de discapacidad y tiene cinco títulos (secciones) que prohíben una amplia gama de discriminaciones.

Pregunte a ADA


Title II and Local Government

'Title II and Local Government'

Title II of the ADA requires equal access to all programs, services, and activities of local government, including, but not limited to:

Voting, recreation, planning and zoning, libraries, police and fire departments, public streets and sidewalks, public schools, and more!

If you have questions about the Americans with Disabilities Act, contact us at 1-800-949-4232. Share on Facebook

Access to Public Services

Infographic that says: Access to Public Services
Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to public entities and their programs, services, and activities. 
The ADA defines a public entity as:
- Any state or local government
- Any department, agency, special purpose district, or other instrumentality of a state or states or local government
- The National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) and any commuter authority
What are some examples?
- Town libraries
- City police departments
- County government offices
- Public schools and universities
- City subways Share on Facebook

Title II: What is a Public Entity?

'Title II: What Is a Public Entity?'

Title II of the ADA applies to 'Public Entities.'
These include: any state or local government, departments and agencies of state or local government, and commuter rail authorities and AMTRAK.

If you have questions about the Americans with Disabilities act, contact us at 1-800-949-4232. Share on Facebook

The ADA in K-12 Schools

Infographic that says: The ADA in K-12 Schools
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to public schools (including charter schools) and private schools from kindergarten through high school.
Religiously controlled schools are exempt from the ADA, but state or local nondiscrimination laws may still apply.
What does the ADA impact in schools?
- All educational programs, services, and activities
- Access to school buildings and facilities, summer programs, and extracurricular activities
- Parent-teacher conferences, school board meetings, adult education, sporting events, school plays, and graduation ceremonies Share on Facebook

Five Titles of the ADA

Infographic that says: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has five titles, or parts:

Title I Employment;
Title II Access to state and local government programs and services;
Title III Access to private businesses’ goods and services;
Title IV Access to telecommunications;
Title V Provisions and relationship to other laws. Share on Facebook

Snow Removal: General

Infographic featuring a man using crutches walking through the snow.
Winter is hard enough...
To ensure access, snow removal should be done quickly!
Remember... The ADA requires maintenance of accessible features by state/local government and businesses.
State laws may have penalties for entities failing to remove snow or blocking access.
If you have questions about the Americans with Disabilities Act, contact the Northeast ADA Center at 1-800-949-4232 Share on Facebook
